All riled up and no place to unload: food, religion, foreign policy, literature, and other stuff that gets me going, plus a little dash of omphaloskepsis

22 February 2006

What do you want to DoMaTh?

I was contemplating what I'm trying to do here, and I've concluded it's a way to keep track of my thoughts and productive activities, for myself. If people read it, fine, but I can't worry about whether I'm amusing my current readers in Seattle and Austin (although I love you guys immensely and am so glad you're now part of my extended family).

My motivation is the nagging sense that I spend way too much time consuming -- magazines, Web, TV, books, and movies -- and I'd like to concentrate more on the "Do / Make / Think" activities (which could be the name for a cool magazine, if one-third of it weren't already one). So, this blog shall be a record of what I'm DoMaTh-ing. I've been terrible about keeping a journal ever since college when my crazy ex used to read it secretly and then tailor his behavior to whatever I was saying about him. I'm also bad about jotting down my ideas in a notebook for future use as I absolutely hate writing by hand. I'm crippled if I can't type (although I can't even touch type, I'm just a speedy hunt-and-pecker). Perhaps this can take the place of those things.

It probably won't be very funny. I tend to only be funny by accident. I'll leave the comic writing to all my fellow family bloggers, who are genetically more suited to it. (Has anyone ever done a study of whether a sense of humor runs in families?)


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