All riled up and no place to unload: food, religion, foreign policy, literature, and other stuff that gets me going, plus a little dash of omphaloskepsis

08 March 2006

It's jeanetic....

Yesterday I enjoyed: a post-lunch slice of ginger cake with caramel sauce (scrumptious), a late-afternoon pick me up of a home-made Oreo cookie by my pastry-chef coworker (practically orgasmic), and ten "After 8" mint thingies I inhaled while watching America's Next Top Model update (a killer corn-syrup combination all around).

Today, on an unrelated note, I have officially forsworn all sweets for the month, with the exception of the lemon mousse I am making for our fancy-shmancy dinner party Saturday.

This is not Lent privation. I have to. It is either this or give up and buy low-rise jeans in a size 12, which there should be a law against. Bart points out that I can always buy Mom jeans. Grrrreat. There should be a law against that too. Maybe there already is.


Blogger lyrical robot said...

yes, there is a law against 'mom jeans.' it's my law. no 'mom jeans' on anyone i know. period. don't make me come up there!

8:46 AM  
Blogger Ron said...

Ya know what? Maybe it's just the oldie in me - but those mom's in jeans look pretty damned good to me!!

12:12 PM  
Blogger JLS said...

First off, you'd be hot in mom jeans size 16!!! However, I understand. Call/email me if you need moral support. After two months in Spain (I know, poor me) I'm sporting a spare tire of Goodyear blimp proportions. Every mirror and reflective window pane I pass by is a fresh cause for sorrow these days. My goal is to lose the weight and write a goodly chunk of my novel as soon as I'm back in the USA, which would be Wednesday.

11:20 AM  

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