Why I love Hüsbando, Reason #71
Because he's willing to spend an entire weekend helping me with my anal-retentive organizing projects. Case in point:

Not only did he help put up the knife racks on the left and the pot rack (custom designed by Hüsbando himself) on the right of the stove, but see that ordinary-looking pantry on the right? Well, when you go to open it, you might notice that the door is kind of thick, like a refrigerator's. That's because on the inside is ....

Hey, if you can't find meaning in life, it's comforting to know where you can find your crap.
And it sure is nice to be loved.
Why don't you publish comments anymore, you? What are you, China?
I just wanted to say that you guys are so sweet and domesticated, and your kitchen looks great!
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