All riled up and no place to unload: food, religion, foreign policy, literature, and other stuff that gets me going, plus a little dash of omphaloskepsis

12 May 2006

Mind the credibility gap

My friend Jennifer Nix, who I met through George Lakoff, has been written up in the SF Chronicle for the success of her latest project, How Would a Patriot Act: Defending America from a President Run Amok, written by lawyer-turned-blogger Glenn Greenwald. Her savvy marketing and people skills got the thing to No. 1 on Amazon.com before it was even printed. Sounds like a good book, and the advance video they whipped up to publicize it is strangely powerful and moving -- watch it at the end of this post.

I think Jen should run for president, or at least the Senate. I hope she finishes her own book soon -- Citizen Jen -- so we can petition her to run. (I promise to destroy the photo with me above, along with other incriminating ones we have stashed away.) *Update*: Jen tells me she's guest blogging over at Firedoglake. Her first post is a doozy, guaranteed to light your leg hair on fire and make you turn off American Idol and march on Washington. At least it did me. I'm so proud to know Jen I forgot to idolspize her, so my new routine must be working.


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