The Meatrix II: Revolting is here!

I had seen The Meatrix last year when it first made its Internet rounds and quite enjoyed Moophius and Leo the Pig, but the second installment is even better. (Chickity's cleavage helps.)
Amazingly, one can spoof a factory farm in a cartoon and still do an excellent job of covering the facts.
Note to Uncle Ron in Seattle? Put down that soy burger and wheatgrass smoothie. Come for a visit and Bart and I will cook you a thick, juicy burger of grassfed beef -- nice and rare, which you can do with pasture-raised beef since you don't have to worry nearly as much about E. coli. (Why? Because the cows aren't standing and lying in their own manure for their entire lives, which complicates the slaughter process. Enjoy your Whopper!)
I had my "last" Deluxe yesterday at Dick's Drive-in. Now, I'm afraid to eat 'till I read the book...
I hope to take you up on that grass-fed beef burger someday. By the way, I read the article noting you as a journalist - the mention is well deserved, I say!
Now, damn it, write a book!
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