All riled up and no place to unload: food, religion, foreign policy, literature, and other stuff that gets me going, plus a little dash of omphaloskepsis
I got blogged by CBS!

My latest story for work,
Top Iraq war correspondents discuss risking their lives to tell a truth that few want to hear — or believe got
blogged by CBS and called "excellent"! Nice to hear as the story is really, really long and was really, really hard to crank out in a few hours. Don't read it unless you want to get depressed, though, about just how bad things suck in Iraq and how we're probably not hearing the half of it.
way to go! john burns was a guest on bill maher's show on friday (the taping of which we went to) - scary because his is such a clear-eyed view.
You RULE cousin-in-law!! Is that the one you were convinced was really bad? Better watch out or I'll start idolspizing you!
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