All riled up and no place to unload: food, religion, foreign policy, literature, and other stuff that gets me going, plus a little dash of omphaloskepsis

18 May 2006

Eat, think, and be wary

The Ethicurean, the group food blog for which I have been neglecting this blog, is now public after much brainstorming and hair-pulling over PHP.

Inspired in large part by Michael Pollan, five friends (including my kick-ass cousin-in-law) and I are attempting to reconnect with what we eat by seeking out tasty foods that are also sustainable, organic, local, and/or ethical (S/O/L/E foods, for short). Blogging from Oakland, Berkeley, San Francisco, Seattle, and Austin, we're planning to write about things such as:
  • field trips to local farms
  • foraging for greens in the 'hood
  • raw-milk taste tests
  • keeping an eye on Wal-Mart as it moves into organic
  • interviewing people like Daryl Hannah, who's making a splash with her online videos about biodiesel and other sustainable lifestyle choices.
My co-bloggers are all really cool people who come from very different eating backgrounds -- thre of them have farming in their family, one has a proto-Slow-Fooder for a mom, and then there's Erika and me, who like to write with our mouths full. I'm totally psyched about it; poor Hüsbando gets to hear about nothing else, and he's being not only patient and supportive about my monomania, he's doing a lot of cooking! Now, if I could only manage to turn this into an income....for all six of us!


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