All riled up and no place to unload: food, religion, foreign policy, literature, and other stuff that gets me going, plus a little dash of omphaloskepsis

13 January 2007

It's the little things that count

The New York Times had a brief article yesterday about what sounds like some boring bureaucratic maneuvering, but is actually quite cheering for those of us who live in the Reality-based Republic instead of the Dictatorship of Truthiness.

A year ago the White House Office of Management and Budget proposed that federal agencies like the EPA change the way they assess environmental hazards, health threats and other risks. A lollipop for those who can guess whether there would be more, or less, "good news" created by these changes. Amazingly, someone made them back off: a panel of experts appointed by the National Academy of Sciences declared that the proposal was so scientifically flawed that it “could not be rescued.”

The Bushies have slithered off to go see if they can do some drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge under the guise of "Natural Fuel Liberation."

Only 737 days left...


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