A fun Friday night at the Nagwells
Want a brain teaser? Hypothetically, how would you divide two 350-pound hogs among 28 people who each wanted from 10 to 25 pounds of specific cuts like spareribs or fresh belly? Oh, and just for fun, pretend like you're paying a flat per-pound fee for all the pork, but you have to figure out how to make the prices for all the various cuts, from kidney to ham, add up to the big fat check you're writing.

Life really was a lot simpler when I was a vegetarian. In so many, many ways.

OMG! I sooo want in on the pig!! Oh well, next one perhaps? I wouldn't want to disrupt the plethora of expertly arranged post-its.
It'd be great to post (ha!) this picture somewhere, without an explanation, and ask people to guess what it is. Bet thousands would come up with some fun/ny answers (and nobody would guess that it's a roadmap to the destinations of fresh pig parts.
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